Languages: C++, Python, Javascript, SQL.
Libraries: TensorFlow, Djnago, AWS, NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, matplotlib, seaborn, nltk, BeautifulSoup, Git.
Interests: Natural Language Processing, Recommender Systems, Deep Learning, Web Development, Algorithms and Data Structures.
Work Experience
Melopond Online Radio
Software Development Intern
- Engineered backend and songs feature extraction methods for the AI-based online radio station startup.
- Used AWS S3, Flask, MySQL, Collaborative filtering.
Samsung Research Institute Bangalore
Summer Intern
- Device Services Team: Developed a robust log files error classification and analysis system and received pre-placement offer from them.
- Used Python, MySQL, Pandas, Multiprocessing, Regex.
Personalized Diversification in Recommendation Systems: A Cluster Based Approach
Naina Yadav, Kartikey Singh, Anil Kumar Singh
- Worked with Associate Professor Anil Kumar Singh to develop a novel method to increase diversity in recommendations.
- Currently submission under review in Applied Soft Computing journal.
Here I present selected projects that I find quite interesting.
- Third Position in HCL Lucknow AI Hackathon
- Built a complete product under 24 hours working in a team of four to build a biased free source of news and used automatic topic assignment and ranking for it.
- Used Twitter APIs, Topic modelling(LDA), Flask, ReactJS.
- Replicating-SeER
- Replication of SeER: An Explainable Deep Learning MIDI-based Hybrid Song Recommender System in TensorFlow2.
- Provided first publicly available copy of their dataset and code.
- Vote for Change
- Created a polling website where users can poll on their topic of interest after signing up and shows statistics and graphs of the resulting poll to users.
- Part of the hackathon and used Django, jQuery for it.
- Orthographic Languages Similarity Measurements
- Extracted similar words between Orthographic languages along with their distance by using provided corpora with the help of Longest Common Substring (LCS), n-gram and DICE algorithms.
- Part of CSE-443 (Natural Language Processing) coursework, received grade A for it.
- Automated Direction Detecting Bot
- Created a wireless bot that processes an image and traverses according to the direction detected by it.
- Used VGG-19 architecture to develop the CNN model and part of final year project for bachelor’s degree.
- Recommendation System
- Music and Movie recommender systems using collaborative filtering on public datasets.
- Used various matrix factorization algorithms and metrics to generate findings.
- Face and Emotion Detector
- Developed a face and emotion detection system capable of classifying various types of emotions by the usage of HAAR cascade classifiers and Fisherface algorithm built in OpenCV.
- This application also implements various emojis ,quotes ,colours and sound techniques for enhancing the experience.
- WebTree
- An application which creates a PDF by using the structured graph of a webpage and it’s related webpages through the use of URL’s.
- It uses the connection between webpages to join them together and create an offline PDF of the webpage with the help of depth first search (DFS).
Positions of Responsibility
These are the projects that I did as part of IIT (BHU) technical teams.
- Member of Technex-18 Technical Team
- Developed a scalable/modular web application for the tech fest of IIT(BHU) (used by more than 15k participants), solved various tech-related issues throughout the year
- Web Developer for Institute Day Portal
- Created a web application, working in a team for the Institute Day of IIT(BHU) used by 150 students at the institute to present their projects.